Radio Australia Museum ... Greater Shepparton Council's call for proposals.


Staff member
Dear members,

Recently a brochure was received in the letter boxes of residents within the City of Greater Shepparton.
Among things asked were resident’s ideas on “How can we make Greater Shepparton even greater?” It came to mind that we have SAM , the new MOVE museum of transport and what else.

Here is a proposal . It came to mind that we should alert the council that there is an opportunity to push the idea of a communications museum at the old Radio Australia site. It would be unique in Australia and probably in the Southern Hemisphere. It would be a one of a kind and we need to grab the chance that this could occur. However, we (the residents of the City of Greater Shepparton) need to contact the council by 24th March. Hopefully you will have this before the cut-off date but the time will be tight.

If a communications museum were able to be implemented at Radio Australia it would compliment the nearly finished and already impressive Shepparton Arts Museum and the nearly finished Museum Of Vehicle Evolution (MOVE). These two will be significant draw cards to Shepparton and a Communications museum would make it a trifecta of accessible and important sites to visit for ourselves and visitors from some distance away.

You don’t need to say much but the more people who do put their thoughts into the council at the contacts below the more likely something positive will occur.

The address’s are -- , -- phone 03 5832 9700, email , -- drop into the council offices at 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton or write to the -- Shepparton Council, Locked bag 1000, Shepparton, Vic, 3632

Your input may be the one we need to get something like this in the area.

Rodney Champness VK3UG and Geoff Angus VK3ZNA




Guest has my addition.
The site is hard to navigate I think.
If you go to "Projects", nothing is shown. At least, not on my iMac.
So, maybe a submission for a project does not make it as a project yet?

Here is a copy..
At the start of 2020, the Shepparton And District Amateur Radio Club was kindly granted access to the Radio Australia site for a amateur radio event that attracted interest world wide. We were able, for 48 hours, to run our ham radio equipment on the Radio Australia antennas with really great results.
This complex is now decommissioned, and would be ideal for a museum to commemorate the important place Radio Australia held in the Shepparton's history. There is a lot of interest in amateur radio circles in possibly establishing a radio and technology museum at the site. I for one spent quite a few years working there and was so sad to see it decommissioned.
But, while looking through the equipment that was being scrapped, I discovered a couple of pieces of stet equipment that I had made there and was allowed to take them home.
It will be a great shame if all this history is allowed to disappear. Shepparton does seem to have a bit of a reputation to that, unfortunately, so I would like to float the museum idea.
Quite a number of us have equipment that would be donated to such a museum and I'm sure many locals with electronic interest would be pleased to help in any way we can.
Radio Australia was he;d in great esteem world wide, with a vast audience. This museum would attract visitors to Shepparton and be a great asset to the area.
Denys Parnell.

EDIT! looking back at it, I spotted a couple of typos that I cannot fix on the Shepp council site :(
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I just sent them an email about the site internal links as it looks to be poorly implemented to me. I cannot find the submissions again and the search does not go to them either.
Is anyone else having problems?
( I could say it is a typical government web site.....)


That's good. I sent feedback for them (Michael) to add a button top get to the submissions easier.
EDIT: Here is a direct link...
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