On the weekend of the 14th and 15th March 2020, the Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club (SADARC), with the kind permission of BAI Communications (Broadcast Australia), connected amateur transceivers to the curtain array and rhombic antennas at the Broadcast Australia site in Shepparton, which was located in North Central Victoria, Australia.
This site had previously been a Radio Australia location, serving as the Shortwave Service from Australia. The Radio Australia transmissions from this site ceased in 2017.
A unique call sign was issued for the event, which was Victor India 3 Radio Australia – VI3RA. All contacts made during the 2-day event were issued with a specifically designed QSL card.
Frequencies used for the event included 7, 10, 14, 18, and 21Mhz.
Check out the Forums for Reports on the Radio Australia Weekend