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SADARC Announcements

August Newsletter is now available for download, many thanks to Peter VK3ASK


The Shepparton And District Amateur Radio Club Inc. is a Victoria incorporated association – number A6677 and was Founded in 1979

About the Shepparton And District Amateur Radio Club


Welcome to the Shepparton & District Amateur Radio Club (SADARC), where we embrace radio and electronics enthusiasts  from across the Goulburn Valley and North Eastern Victoria regions. Our members engage in hands-on experimentation with various radio equipment and antenna systems, with many holding licenses as amateur operators.

The club Operates under the official ACMA callsign VK3SOL, SADARC conducts club nets and broadcasts for club events. Keep an ear out for us on the airwaves, and feel free to request an electronic confirmation (eQSL).

Beyond licensed amateur operators, SADARC warmly welcomes individuals with a general interest in radio and electronics, including shortwave listeners, Citizen’s Band (CB) radio users, as well as electronics and Arduino enthusiasts.



The Shepparton And District Amateur Radio Club ( SADARC) meets on the First Saturday of each month at 10am (except December) with regular BBQs around lunch time, and visitors are always most welcome

The meeting usually takes the following format:

  • Meet and Greet , where members exhange projects and ideas that they have been working on
  • Round table of news and activities since the previous meeting
  • Any important information needed to be shared
  • Presentations/talks/discussions on pre-announced topics
  • Any other club business

Where does the club meet?

The Shepparton And District Amateur Radio Club ( S.A.D.A.R.C) meets on the First Saturday of each month at 10am (except December) with regular BBQs around lunch time and visitors are always most welcome. At this meeting there is usually a talk on a radio-related topic, together with Club business.

The clubrooms are at 22 Channel Rd Shepparton at the (old Vision Australia complex) ,

 We also run weekly club nets on both VHF and HF. Net control is under the Club Callsign VK3SOL. All amateur stations are very welcome to join the Net.

Club Repeaters 

Our radio repeaters have been on Mt Wombat near Eurora for over 26 years, the call signs are all VK3RGV (Repeater Goulburn Valley). Its purpose is to provide communication during emergencies as well as to enable licensed amateurs to communicate throughout a large part of Victoria. It has an excellent coverage area extending from Melbourne to southern parts of New South Wales.
Shepparton and district amateur radio club VK3RGV (Repeater Goulburn Valley) Club's repeaters are operational on: 6M 53.725 Mhz, 2M 146.650 MHz, 70cm 439.775 MHz, & D-STAR VK3RGV B 438.200 Mhz with -5.4 offset.