Kraco KCB2340 convert to 40 channels


Staff member
I have been asked if it would be possible to fix an old Kraco CB to drive it from my Arduino VFO. The set is a crystal synthesized 23 channel one so it looks like it will work ok converting it to cover the full 40 channels. The synth could just generate the required frequencies but I've made up a table of the "crystal" frequencies to make use of the original circuit design and it looks to work ok, at least without putting it in the set. This is a first step into maybe putting one of these on 10 Meters.
Photo on 21-9-23 at 12.10 pm #2.jpg

Photo on 21-9-23 at 12.10 pm.jpg

So, here is the first run of the code.

EDIT: I think I may add small numbers to show the 18 channel numbers too.
Photo on 21-9-23 at 1.15 pm.jpg

Included code is updated.


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