February In-Person Meeting Cancelled


Staff member
Meeting Cancelled!!
The in-person meeting this Saturday the 6th of February has been cancelled because of covid restrictions. An on-air meeting will be held instead on the Mt Wombat 2M repeater from 1:00pm

After due consideration it has been decided to cancel our next face to
face meeting of the Shepperton and District Amateur Radio Club which was
to be held on this Saturday, 6th February.. After the imposition of more
controls last night it is not feasible to hold the meeting. A BBQ is
difficult as it requires one cook and one person delivering the food.
Hovering around a BBQ is not permitted. We are only also allowed one
nominated person in the Kitchen to make and deliver refreshments.

As much of our Club is social chat it is also difficult when we are to
remain 2m apart.

Therefore our meeting will be on on-air meeting commencing at 1.00pm on
the Mt Wombat repeater.

Hopefully we can meet in March but this will be decided closer to the time.


Peter Rentsch
President - Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club
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