My Wombot 3D printer is playing up. It would stop feeding filament every so often. My thought was it is a mechanical problem so the hot end and extruder were disassembled and cleaned. That seemed to fix it for a while but no.
Now I think it may be a power supply problem, maybe failing caps? The reason for this is I noticed the temperature readings were altering quite a bit, far faster than they can really. To add to that theory, the latest print of an Arduino front panel failed, and when I took it off the print bed, the print was soft and could be folded up. This means the print bed was way hotter than the 50C it was set too. So, both the hot end and the heated bed have erroneous temperature readings.
This is the controller. It uses a genuine Arduino 2560 board with a RAMPS shield that has the driver and connectors etc.
The dust did not come with it but was added later.
I will look at this regulator that has been added to allow operation from the 22V power supply.
For those that are interested, here is the RAMPS board info.
and an addvert for the Arduino...
The Arduino Mega 2560 is an update on the older Mega board and provides a 54 digital IO pins, perfect for larger projects. If you've worked with the Arduino Uno, or other smaller Arduino boards, then you'll love the Mega 2560.