6160B signal generator.


Active member
Hi Denys after some switch cleaning and testing the unit works, but cannot see how to adjust the reference oscillator to 5 megs. At the present time it is sitting on 499999812/6 Hz bin that way for 3hrs, would like to see a few more zeros as the upper settings error multiplies. Further scrutiny of the manual shows that there is no adjustment available for the 5 meg reference oscillator, that seems to be a bit strange - nothing to fiddle with.
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Staff member
That is great it is going Bill :)
Now, a GPS locked 5Mhz frequency reference needs to be made!


Active member
Good idea Denys. I think we can make it spot on with the GPS locked reference oscillator. It would be a good thing to do, making use of modern technology a worthwhile upgrade. The unit has been running today for 8 hours and is sitting on 499999809/6 Hz . Tonight I might try a run with WWV on 5 Megs and two channels on the scope, I could perhaps check everything that way, counters too.Thanks for the interest, cheers.


New member
Check the TCXO to see it there is an adjustment hole under the decal. If so, use a sharp blade to lift the decal to adjust the reference. Use an insulated blade, cover a thin metal s/driver with heat-shrink so just the tip of the blade is showing. If no hole, an external 5MHz reference is a choice.


Active member
The 6160b stopped working today. The 5 Meg reference oscillator had no output. I discovered that a cable plug was not fully inserted. I also removed the 5 Meg oscillator module and checked for voltages. I also disconnected and reconnected the unit several times so as to clean the pin contacts. The 5 Meg output is restored. We will see if it continues to work. I have also discovered that there is a frequency trim for the 5 Meg oscillator.
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Active member
Geoff, as noted above I have found the frequency adjustment and removed the cover screw , with difficulty as the alignment of the cover screw of the oscillator unit with the access hole in the rear panel is not good. The screwdriver access hole is about 2.5 mil diameter so I will wrap a few turns of teflon tape around a small screwdriver so as to prevent shorting anything to case etc. Thanks for the tip.